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Inmode Forma Skin

Utilising radio-frequency (RF) technology to provide optimal stimulation and contraction in the deep layers of your skin, at Bella Vita FORMA promotes the formation of new collagen and improves skin elasticity.
Developed based on the clinical success of A.C.E (Acquire, Control, Extend) Technology, FORMA sends RF energy to the deep layers of the skin, with no areas being under- or over-treated. This ensured maximum and consistent results.

Is Forma For Me?

At Bella Vita FORMA is suitable for all skin types and is appropriate for individuals seeking a non-invasive and a natural looking approach to improvements in skin tone and texture irregularities.
Patients have reported that their skin feels smoother and more defined, with a reduction in wrinkles. Completely painless and with no downtime, FORMA effectively reverses the effects of aging and sun damage

Areas FORMA Treats


  1. Foreahead

  2. Crowsfeet

  3. Upper and Lower Eyelids

  4. Nasolabial Folds

  5. Jowls

  6. Smile Lines

  7. Neck

  8. Double Chin/Turkey nec


  1. Abdomen

  2. Flanks

  3. Arms

  4. Elbows

  5. Knees

Image by Rafaella Mendes Diniz
Image by freestocks

Why Forma?

Precision: Forma has a temperature sensor built into the hand piece which reads skin surface temperature 1000 times per second, allowing clinicians to acquire skin temperature in real time. Bella Vita Laser clinic can transform your skin.
Safety: Software algorithm allows unprecedented safety of RF delivery. The “cut off temperature” feature reduces RF energy automatically when the hand piece senses that the required skin temperature has been reached. Bella Vita staff is highly trained in providing services.
Efficacy: Clinical evidence suggests prolonged exposure to temperature above 40°C is advantageous for optimal clinical outcomes. Only InMode’s A.C.E. technology allows you to utilize therapeutic temperatures safely and efficiently

What to expect:

​Is it painful?

The procedure is painless and comfortable. Some sensation of warmth and heat is to be expected, but overheating does not occur due to the safety mechanism of the Forma system. At Bella Vita every staff is highly trained for excellent performance.

What is the session time?

Depending on the size of the area to be treated, a session can take between 15 to 40 minutes.

How many session are recommanded?

It is recommended that weekly sessions are performed over a six-week period. Individuals with mild laxity may be treated in fewer sessions with more weeks between each treatment.

Scheduling should be based on a Bella Vita Technician pre-evaluation.

Maintainence at monthly intervals are then recommended.

What is the downtime?

There is absolutely no downtime for the Forma treatment; some mild redness will be apparent immediately after the procedure, but this settles down quickly within a few hours.

Can this be combined with other procedures?

Yes it can and should be, depending on the issue at hand. Combining the Forma treatment with the Inmode Morpheus 8 fractional radiofrequency treatment ensures optimal tightening and skin rejvevnation, and combining this with the starwalker or Inmode Lumecca ensures clarity in skin tone. At Bella Vita Laser Clinic we offer many services you can combine for optimal results.

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